from __future__ import division
import random import pylab import math
TESTS = 12 RUNS = 3 MOD = 12
def h(x): """Function to approximate: y = 0.5 + 0.4sin(2πx).""" return 0.5 + 0.4*pylab.sin(pylab.pi*2*x)
def noise(x): """Add uniform noise in intervale [-0.1, 0.1].""" return x + random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
def sample(n): """Return sample of n random points uniformly distributed in [0, 1].""" a = [random.random() for x in range(n)] a.sort() return a
def gaussian(radial, x): """Return gaussian radial function. Args: radial: (num, num) of gaussian (base, width^2) pair x: num of input Returns: num of gaussian output """ base, width2 = radial power = -1 / width2 / 2 * (x-base)**2 y = pylab.exp(power) return y
def output(radials, weights, x): """Return set of linearly combined gaussian functions. Args: radials: [(num, num) of (base, width^2) pairs weights: [num] of radial weights, |weights| -1 = |radials| x: num of input Returns: num of linear combination of radial functions. """ y = 0 for radial, weight in zip(radials, weights[:-1]): y += gaussian(radial, x) * weight y += weights[-1] return y
def update_weights(eta, weights, radials, x, y, d): """Update weight vector. Returns: [num] of updated weight vector, len = |weights| """ new_weights = [] err = d-y for radial, weight in zip(radials, weights[:-1]): w = weight + (eta * err * gaussian(radial, x)) new_weights.append(w) w = weights[-1] + (eta * err) new_weights.append(w) return new_weights
def k_means(input, k): """Return n Gaussian centers computed by K-means algorithm from sample x. Args: input: [num] of input vector k: int number of bases, <= |set(input)| Returns: [(num, [num])] k-size list of (center, input cluster) pairs. """ bases = random.sample(set(input), k)
clusters = [ (x, 0) for x in input ] updated = True
while(updated): updated=False for i in range(0, len(clusters)): x, m = clusters[i] distances = [(abs(b-x), j) for j, b in enumerate(bases)] d, j = min(distances) if m != j: updated = True clusters[i] = (x, j)
if updated: base_sums = [ [0,0] for s in range(k)] for x, m in clusters: base_sums[m][0] += x base_sums[m][1] += 1 new_bases = [] for s, n in base_sums: if n == 0: base = random.sample(set(input), 1)[0] else: base = s / n new_bases.append(base) bases = new_bases
response = [ (b, []) for b in bases ] for x, m in clusters: response[m][1].append(x) return response
def variance_width(k_meaned_x): """Return mean, variance pairs computed from k_means(x, k). Args: k_meaned_x: [(num, [num])] of (base, input cluster) pairs Returns: [(num, num)] of (center, width^2) pairs. """ response = [] for base, cluster in k_meaned_x: if len(cluster) > 1: var = sum([(base-x)**2 for x in cluster]) / len(cluster) else: var = None response.append((base, var))
vars = [v for b, v in response if v] if len(vars) == 0: raise Exception("No variance: cannot compute mean variance") else: var_mean = sum(vars) / len(vars)
for i in range(len(response)): base, var = response[i] if not var: response[i] = (base, var_mean)
return response
def shared_width(k_meaned_x): """Return shared gaussian widths computed from k_means(x, k). Args: k_meaned_x: [(num, [num])] of (base, input cluster) pairs Returns: [(num, num)] of (center, width^2) pairs. """ assert(len(k_meaned_x) > 1) bases = [b for b, cluster in k_meaned_x] s_bases = bases[:] s_bases.sort() distances = map(lambda p: abs(p[0]-p[1]), zip(s_bases, s_bases[1:])) max_d = max(distances) sigma_sq = (max_d / 2**0.5)**2 response = [(b, sigma_sq) for b in bases] return response
def plot_instance(name, x, ideal_y, measured_y, trained_y, new_x, estimated_y): """Plot function graph, save to file. Effect: saves png file of plot to currect directory. NOTE: use local graph variable Args: name: str of plot name, used in file name like "name.png" x: [num] input vector ideal_y: [num] ideal output vector measured_y: [num] noisy output vector trained_y: [num] trained output vector new_x: [num] new input sample not used in training estimated_y: [num] estimated output from trained RBN """ pylab.rc('text', usetex=True) pylab.rc('font', family='serif') pylab.xlabel('$x$') pylab.ylabel('$y = 0.5 + 0.4\sin(2 \pi x)$') pylab.title('RBF Network: %s' % name) pylab.plot(x, ideal_y, 'g', label="Ideal") pylab.plot(x, measured_y, 'bo', label="Measured") pylab.plot(x, trained_y, 'y', label="Trained") pylab.plot(new_x, estimated_y, 'r', label="Generalized") pylab.legend() filename = name filename = filename.replace(' ', '_').replace('\\', '').replace('$', '') filename = filename.replace(',', '') pylab.savefig("%s.png" % filename) pylab.clf() pylab.cla()
def error(actual, expected): """Return error from actual to expected. Args actual: [num] of sampled output expected: [num] of expected ouput, ||expected|| = ||actual|| Returns: num of average distance between actual and expected """ sum_d = 0 for a, e in zip(actual, expected): sum_d += abs(a-e) err = sum_d / len(expected) return err
def run_test(eta, k, tests=TESTS, runs=RUNS, f_width=variance_width, graph_mod=MOD): """Run an RBF training test set; plot, return errors from results. Args: eta: num of training rate k: num of bases tests: num of sample set iterations runs: num of network generation iterations f_width: function to generate radial widths graph_mod: num of after how many iterations to plot a graph Returns: {str: [num]} such that n = (tests*runs) and: "sample_err": [num] of n sampling errors "train_err": [num] of n training errors "gen_err": [num] of n estimation errors """ results = { "sample_err": [], "train_err": [], "gen_err": [], }
f_name = f_width.__name__.capitalize().split('_')[0] for test in range(1,tests+1):
print "## K=%d, eta=%.2f, Test=%d" % (k, eta, test)
input = sample(SAMPLES) test_input = sample(SAMPLES) ideal_y = map(h, input) test_ideal_y = map(h, test_input) measured_y = map(noise, ideal_y)
for run in range(1,runs+1): radials = f_width(k_means(input, k)) weights = [random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5) for x in range(k+1)] for i in range(EPOCHS): for x, d in zip(input, measured_y): y = output(radials, weights, x) weights = update_weights(eta, weights, radials, x, y, d)
trained_y = map(lambda x: output(radials, weights, x), input) estimated_y = map(lambda x: output(radials, weights, x), test_input) sample_err = error(measured_y, ideal_y) train_err = error(trained_y, measured_y) gen_err = error(estimated_y, test_ideal_y) results["sample_err"].append(sample_err) results["train_err"].append(train_err) results["gen_err"].append(gen_err)
iteration = (test-1)*runs + run if (iteration % graph_mod) == 0:
name = "%s $K=%d, \eta =%.2f, E=%.3f$ (%d-%d)" % \ (f_name, k, eta, gen_err, test, run) plot_instance( \ name, input, ideal_y, measured_y, trained_y, test_input, estimated_y) return results
def stats(values): """Return tuple of common statistical measures. Returns: (num, num, num, num) as (mean, std, min, max) """ mean = sum(values) / len(values) sum_sqs = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y*y, values) var = sum([(mean-x)**2 for x in values]) / len(values) var = (sum_sqs - len(values)*mean**2) / len(values) std = var**0.5 min_var, max_var = min(values), max(values) return (mean, std, min_var, max_var)
def main(): random.seed()
for f_width in (variance_width, shared_width): for eta in (0.01, 0.02): for k in (5, 10, 15, 20, 25): print "" print "BEGIN PARAMETER TEST SUITE" print "K=%d, eta=%.2f, f_width=%s, Tests=%d, Runs=%d" % \ (k, eta, f_width.__name__, TESTS, RUNS) print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" r = run_test(k=k, eta=eta, f_width=f_width) print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" print "RESULTS" print "K=%d, eta=%.2f, f_width=%s, Tests=%d, Runs=%d" % \ (k, eta, f_width.__name__, TESTS, RUNS) for name, values in r.items(): print name print "mean=%.4f, std=%.4f, min=%.4f, max=%.4f" % \ stats(values) print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
if __name__ == "__main__": main()