import struct import array import numpy import math import time import import scipy.optimize
""" Returns elementwise sigmoid output of input array """
def sigmoid(x):
return (1 / (1 + numpy.exp(-x))) """ Returns the groundtruth matrix for a set of labels """ def getGroundTruth(labels):
""" Prepare data needed to construct groundtruth matrix """
labels = numpy.array(labels).flatten() data = numpy.ones(len(labels)) indptr = numpy.arange(len(labels)+1) """ Compute the groundtruth matrix and return """ ground_truth = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((data, labels, indptr)) ground_truth = numpy.transpose(ground_truth.todense()) return ground_truth
""" The Sparse Autoencoder class """
class SparseAutoencoder(object):
""" Initialization of Autoencoder object """
def __init__(self, visible_size, hidden_size, rho, lamda, beta): """ Initialize parameters of the Autoencoder object """ self.visible_size = visible_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.rho = rho self.lamda = lamda self.beta = beta """ Set limits for accessing 'theta' values """ self.limit0 = 0 self.limit1 = hidden_size * visible_size self.limit2 = 2 * hidden_size * visible_size self.limit3 = 2 * hidden_size * visible_size + hidden_size self.limit4 = 2 * hidden_size * visible_size + hidden_size + visible_size """ Initialize Neural Network weights randomly W1, W2 values are chosen in the range [-r, r] """ r = math.sqrt(6) / math.sqrt(visible_size + hidden_size + 1) rand = numpy.random.RandomState(int(time.time())) W1 = numpy.asarray(rand.uniform(low = -r, high = r, size = (hidden_size, visible_size))) W2 = numpy.asarray(rand.uniform(low = -r, high = r, size = (visible_size, hidden_size))) """ Bias values are initialized to zero """ b1 = numpy.zeros((hidden_size, 1)) b2 = numpy.zeros((visible_size, 1))
""" Create 'theta' by unrolling W1, W2, b1, b2 """
self.theta = numpy.concatenate((W1.flatten(), W2.flatten(), b1.flatten(), b2.flatten()))
""" Returns gradient of 'theta' using Backpropagation algorithm """ def sparseAutoencoderCost(self, theta, input): """ Extract weights and biases from 'theta' input """ W1 = theta[self.limit0 : self.limit1].reshape(self.hidden_size, self.visible_size) W2 = theta[self.limit1 : self.limit2].reshape(self.visible_size, self.hidden_size) b1 = theta[self.limit2 : self.limit3].reshape(self.hidden_size, 1) b2 = theta[self.limit3 : self.limit4].reshape(self.visible_size, 1) """ Compute output layers by performing a feedforward pass Computation is done for all the training inputs simultaneously """ hidden_layer = sigmoid(, input) + b1) output_layer = sigmoid(, hidden_layer) + b2) """ Estimate the average activation value of the hidden layers """ rho_cap = numpy.sum(hidden_layer, axis = 1) / input.shape[1] """ Compute intermediate difference values using Backpropagation algorithm """ diff = output_layer - input sum_of_squares_error = 0.5 * numpy.sum(numpy.multiply(diff, diff)) / input.shape[1] weight_decay = 0.5 * self.lamda * (numpy.sum(numpy.multiply(W1, W1)) + numpy.sum(numpy.multiply(W2, W2))) KL_divergence = self.beta * numpy.sum(self.rho * numpy.log(self.rho / rho_cap) + (1 - self.rho) * numpy.log((1 - self.rho) / (1 - rho_cap))) cost = sum_of_squares_error + weight_decay + KL_divergence KL_div_grad = self.beta * (-(self.rho / rho_cap) + ((1 - self.rho) / (1 - rho_cap))) del_out = numpy.multiply(diff, numpy.multiply(output_layer, 1 - output_layer)) del_hid = numpy.multiply(, del_out) + numpy.transpose(numpy.matrix(KL_div_grad)), numpy.multiply(hidden_layer, 1 - hidden_layer)) """ Compute the gradient values by averaging partial derivatives Partial derivatives are averaged over all training examples """ W1_grad =, numpy.transpose(input)) W2_grad =, numpy.transpose(hidden_layer)) b1_grad = numpy.sum(del_hid, axis = 1) b2_grad = numpy.sum(del_out, axis = 1) W1_grad = W1_grad / input.shape[1] + self.lamda * W1 W2_grad = W2_grad / input.shape[1] + self.lamda * W2 b1_grad = b1_grad / input.shape[1] b2_grad = b2_grad / input.shape[1] """ Transform numpy matrices into arrays """ W1_grad = numpy.array(W1_grad) W2_grad = numpy.array(W2_grad) b1_grad = numpy.array(b1_grad) b2_grad = numpy.array(b2_grad) """ Unroll the gradient values and return as 'theta' gradient """ theta_grad = numpy.concatenate((W1_grad.flatten(), W2_grad.flatten(), b1_grad.flatten(), b2_grad.flatten())) return [cost, theta_grad]
""" The Softmax Regression class """
class SoftmaxRegression(object):
""" Initialization of Regressor object """
def __init__(self, input_size, num_classes, lamda): """ Initialize parameters of the Regressor object """ self.input_size = input_size self.num_classes = num_classes self.lamda = lamda """ Randomly initialize the class weights """ rand = numpy.random.RandomState(int(time.time())) self.theta = 0.005 * numpy.asarray(rand.normal(size = (num_classes*input_size, 1))) """ Returns the cost and gradient of 'theta' at a particular 'theta' """ def softmaxCost(self, theta, input, labels): """ Compute the groundtruth matrix """ ground_truth = getGroundTruth(labels) """ Reshape 'theta' for ease of computation """ theta = theta.reshape(self.num_classes, self.input_size) """ Compute the class probabilities for each example """ theta_x =, input) hypothesis = numpy.exp(theta_x) probabilities = hypothesis / numpy.sum(hypothesis, axis = 0) """ Compute the traditional cost term """ cost_examples = numpy.multiply(ground_truth, numpy.log(probabilities)) traditional_cost = -(numpy.sum(cost_examples) / input.shape[1]) """ Compute the weight decay term """ theta_squared = numpy.multiply(theta, theta) weight_decay = 0.5 * self.lamda * numpy.sum(theta_squared) """ Add both terms to get the cost """ cost = traditional_cost + weight_decay """ Compute and unroll 'theta' gradient """ theta_grad = - probabilities, numpy.transpose(input)) theta_grad = theta_grad / input.shape[1] + self.lamda * theta theta_grad = numpy.array(theta_grad) theta_grad = theta_grad.flatten() return [cost, theta_grad]
""" Loads the images from the provided file name """
def loadMNISTImages(file_name):
""" Open the file """
image_file = open(file_name, 'rb') """ Read header information from the file """ head1 = head2 = head3 = head4 = """ Format the header information for useful data """ num_examples = struct.unpack('>I', head2)[0] num_rows = struct.unpack('>I', head3)[0] num_cols = struct.unpack('>I', head4)[0] """ Initialize dataset as array of zeros """ dataset = numpy.zeros((num_rows*num_cols, num_examples)) """ Read the actual image data """ images_raw = array.array('B', image_file.close() """ Arrange the data in columns """ for i in range(num_examples): limit1 = num_rows * num_cols * i limit2 = num_rows * num_cols * (i + 1) dataset[:, i] = images_raw[limit1 : limit2] """ Normalize and return the dataset """ return dataset / 255 """ Loads the image labels from the provided file name """ def loadMNISTLabels(file_name):
""" Open the file """
label_file = open(file_name, 'rb') """ Read header information from the file """ head1 = head2 = """ Format the header information for useful data """ num_examples = struct.unpack('>I', head2)[0] """ Initialize data labels as array of zeros """ labels = numpy.zeros((num_examples, 1), dtype = """ Read the label data """ labels_raw = array.array('b', label_file.close() """ Copy and return the label data """ labels[:, 0] = labels_raw[:] return labels """ Returns the hidden layer activations of the Autoencoder """
def feedForwardAutoencoder(theta, hidden_size, visible_size, input):
""" Define limits to access useful data """
limit0 = 0 limit1 = hidden_size * visible_size limit2 = 2 * hidden_size * visible_size limit3 = 2 * hidden_size * visible_size + hidden_size """ Access W1 and b1 from 'theta' """ W1 = theta[limit0 : limit1].reshape(hidden_size, visible_size) b1 = theta[limit2 : limit3].reshape(hidden_size, 1) """ Compute the hidden layer activations """ hidden_layer = 1 / (1 + numpy.exp(-(, input) + b1))) return hidden_layer
""" Returns a row of Stacked Autoencoder parameters """
def stack2Params(stack):
""" Initialize an empty list of parameters """
params = [] num_layers = len(stack) / 2 """ For each layer in the neural network, append the corresponding parameters """ for i in range(num_layers): params = numpy.concatenate((params, numpy.array(stack[i, "W"]).flatten())) params = numpy.concatenate((params, numpy.array(stack[i, "b"]).flatten())) return params """ Returns a stack of Stacked Autoencoder parameters """
def params2Stack(params, net_config):
""" Initialize an empty stack """
stack = {} limit0 = 0 for i in range(len(net_config)-2): """ Calculate limits of layer parameters, using neural network config """ limit1 = limit0 + net_config[i] * net_config[i+1] limit2 = limit1 + net_config[i+1] """ Extract layer parameters, and store in the stack """ stack[i, "W"] = params[limit0 : limit1].reshape(net_config[i+1], net_config[i]) stack[i, "b"] = params[limit1 : limit2].reshape(net_config[i+1], 1) limit0 = limit2 return stack """ Function for finetuning the Stacked Autoencoder """
def stackedAutoencoderCost(theta, net_config, lamda, data, labels):
""" Calculate limits for Softmax parameters """
input_size = net_config[-2] num_classes = net_config[-1] limit0 = 0 limit1 = num_classes * input_size """ Extract Softmax and layer parameters """ softmax_theta = theta[limit0 : limit1].reshape(num_classes, input_size) stack = params2Stack(theta[limit1 :], net_config) num_layers = len(stack) / 2 """ Calculate activations for every layer """ activation = {} activation[0] = data for i in range(num_layers): activation[i+1] = sigmoid([i, "W"], activation[i]) + stack[i, "b"]) """ Compute the groundtruth matrix """ ground_truth = getGroundTruth(labels) """ Compute the class probabilities for each example """ theta_x =, activation[num_layers]) hypothesis = numpy.exp(theta_x) probabilities = hypothesis / numpy.sum(hypothesis, axis = 0) """ Compute the traditional cost term """ cost_examples = numpy.multiply(ground_truth, numpy.log(probabilities)) traditional_cost = -(numpy.sum(cost_examples) / data.shape[1]) """ Compute the weight decay term """ theta_squared = numpy.multiply(softmax_theta, softmax_theta) weight_decay = 0.5 * lamda * numpy.sum(theta_squared) """ Add both terms to get the cost """ cost = traditional_cost + weight_decay """ Compute Softmax 'theta' gradient """ softmax_theta_grad = - probabilities, numpy.transpose(activation[num_layers])) softmax_theta_grad = softmax_theta_grad / data.shape[1] + lamda * softmax_theta """ Compute intermediate difference values using Backpropagation algorithm """ delta = {} delta[num_layers] = -numpy.multiply(, ground_truth - probabilities), numpy.multiply(activation[num_layers], 1 - activation[num_layers])) for i in range(num_layers-1): index = num_layers - i - 1 delta[index] = numpy.multiply([index, "W"]), delta[index+1]), numpy.multiply(activation[index], 1 - activation[index])) """ Compute the partial derivatives, with respect to the layer parameters """ stack_grad = {} for i in range(num_layers): index = num_layers - i - 1 stack_grad[index, "W"] =[index+1], numpy.transpose(activation[index])) / data.shape[1] stack_grad[index, "b"] = numpy.sum(delta[index+1], axis = 1) / data.shape[1] """ Concatenate the gradient values and return as 'theta' gradient """ params_grad = stack2Params(stack_grad) theta_grad = numpy.concatenate((numpy.array(softmax_theta_grad).flatten(), numpy.array(params_grad).flatten())) return [cost, theta_grad]
""" Returns predictions using the trained Stacked Autoencoder model """
def stackedAutoencoderPredict(theta, net_config, data):
""" Calculate limits for Softmax parameters """
input_size = net_config[-2] num_classes = net_config[-1] limit0 = 0 limit1 = num_classes * input_size """ Extract Softmax and layer parameters """ softmax_theta = theta[limit0 : limit1].reshape(num_classes, input_size) stack = params2Stack(theta[limit1 :], net_config) num_layers = len(stack) / 2 """ Calculate the activations of the final layer """ activation = data for i in range(num_layers): activation = sigmoid([i, "W"], activation) + stack[i, "b"]) """ Compute the class probabilities for each example """ theta_x =, activation) hypothesis = numpy.exp(theta_x) probabilities = hypothesis / numpy.sum(hypothesis, axis = 0) """ Give the predictions based on probability values """ predictions = numpy.zeros((data.shape[1], 1)) predictions[:, 0] = numpy.argmax(probabilities, axis = 0) return predictions
""" Loads data, trains the Stacked Autoencoder model and predicts classes for test data """
def executeStackedAutoencoder(): """ Define the parameters of the first Autoencoder """ visible_size = 784 hidden_size1 = 200 hidden_size2 = 200 rho = 0.1 lamda = 0.003 beta = 3 max_iterations = 200 num_classes = 10 """ Load MNIST images for training and testing """ train_data = loadMNISTImages('train-images.idx3-ubyte') train_labels = loadMNISTLabels('train-labels.idx1-ubyte') """ Initialize the first Autoencoder with the above parameters """ encoder1 = SparseAutoencoder(visible_size, hidden_size1, rho, lamda, beta) """ Run the L-BFGS algorithm to get the optimal parameter values """ opt_solution = scipy.optimize.minimize(encoder1.sparseAutoencoderCost, encoder1.theta, args = (train_data,), method = 'L-BFGS-B', jac = True, options = {'maxiter': max_iterations}) sae1_opt_theta = opt_solution.x """ Get the features corresponding to first Autoencoder """ sae1_features = feedForwardAutoencoder(sae1_opt_theta, hidden_size1, visible_size, train_data) """ Initialize the second Autoencoder with the above parameters """ encoder2 = SparseAutoencoder(hidden_size1, hidden_size2, rho, lamda, beta) """ Run the L-BFGS algorithm to get the optimal parameter values """ opt_solution = scipy.optimize.minimize(encoder2.sparseAutoencoderCost, encoder2.theta, args = (sae1_features,), method = 'L-BFGS-B', jac = True, options = {'maxiter': max_iterations}) sae2_opt_theta = opt_solution.x """ Get the features corresponding to second Autoencoder """ sae2_features = feedForwardAutoencoder(sae2_opt_theta, hidden_size2, hidden_size1, sae1_features) """ Initialize Softmax Regressor with the above parameters """ regressor = SoftmaxRegression(hidden_size2, num_classes, lamda) """ Run the L-BFGS algorithm to get the optimal parameter values """ opt_solution = scipy.optimize.minimize(regressor.softmaxCost, regressor.theta, args = (sae2_features, train_labels,), method = 'L-BFGS-B', jac = True, options = {'maxiter': max_iterations}) softmax_opt_theta = opt_solution.x """ Create a stack of the Stacked Autoencoder parameters """ stack = {} stack[0, "W"] = sae1_opt_theta[encoder1.limit0 : encoder1.limit1].reshape(hidden_size1, visible_size) stack[1, "W"] = sae2_opt_theta[encoder2.limit0 : encoder2.limit1].reshape(hidden_size2, hidden_size1) stack[0, "b"] = sae1_opt_theta[encoder1.limit2 : encoder1.limit3].reshape(hidden_size1, 1) stack[1, "b"] = sae2_opt_theta[encoder2.limit2 : encoder2.limit3].reshape(hidden_size2, 1) """ Create a vector of the Stacked Autoencoder parameters for optimization """ stack_params = stack2Params(stack) stacked_ae_theta = numpy.concatenate((softmax_opt_theta.flatten(), stack_params.flatten())) """ Create a neural network configuration, with number of units in each layer """ net_config = [visible_size, hidden_size1, hidden_size2, num_classes] """ Load MNIST test images and labels """ test_data = loadMNISTImages('t10k-images.idx3-ubyte') test_labels = loadMNISTLabels('t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte') """ Get predictions after greedy training """ predictions = stackedAutoencoderPredict(stacked_ae_theta, net_config, test_data) """ Print accuracy of the trained model """ correct = test_labels[:, 0] == predictions[:, 0] print """Accuracy after greedy training :""", numpy.mean(correct) """ Finetune the greedily trained model """ opt_solution = scipy.optimize.minimize(stackedAutoencoderCost, stacked_ae_theta, args = (net_config, lamda, train_data, train_labels,), method = 'L-BFGS-B', jac = True, options = {'maxiter': max_iterations}) stacked_ae_opt_theta = opt_solution.x """ Get predictions after finetuning """ predictions = stackedAutoencoderPredict(stacked_ae_opt_theta, net_config, test_data) """ Print accuracy of the trained model """ correct = test_labels[:, 0] == predictions[:, 0] print """Accuracy after finetuning :""", numpy.mean(correct) executeStackedAutoencoder()